What We Will Hold Onto
There are always mixed feelings involved with endings. The happiness involved with starting a new chapter in life walks hand-in-hand with the sadness that follows leaving the past behind. However, even with the imminent future lying right before us, there is no telling what it will bring. However, our memories are something we can look back on and treasure. Reminiscing on the best moments that made us who we are will be a comfort well-deserved.
In the transitionary period between the end of a semester – and even the end of college for some students – we will look to McMurry’s own students to see what their favorite moments of this semester were. With New Years, pledging, unexpected snow days, Valentine’s, and more, there is a neverending source of memorable occasions for our students to choose from.
Memories are always being made in the theater department! A group of people working tirelessly to put together a beautiful production forms the kind of bonding moments that stick with you forever. Symone Fiedler, a senior Theatre Arts major, certainly thought so. When asked about her favorite moment this semester, Fiedler responded with McMurry’s Wait Until Dark production, in which she was one of the leads. Wait Until Dark was a huge production that involved nearly the entire theatre department, and everyone did an excellent job.
Jonah Garcia, a Studio Arts senior graduating in December, commented that his favorite moment this semester was the Student Art Show. The McMurry Student Art Show invites all McMurry students to
submit their work and have them judged with the prospect of winning money and ribbons. Garcia, himself, walked away with several awards including the coveted Best in Show. Even disregarding the joy of placing in a competition, the pride of seeing one’s work hang side-by-side your peers would be a pleasure in and of itself.
What was your favorite memory this semester? Whatever it may be, never forget to hold onto those times. Even though the future may be scary, rough, and unexpected, it will be the good memories that will keep you going, as well as the new ones that you will continue to make.