Stuff-A-Plush brings Joy to Campus
This past Thursday some cuddly friends made a visit to our campus. McMurry’s Campus Activities Board (CAB) created a “Stuff-A-Plush” station in the breezeway, where students could make their own McMurry customized teddy bear! Boxes upon boxes were stacked with the lovable bears, and McMurry t-shirts were placed on tables to dress them with. Within just a few minutes the breezeway was overflowing with students ready to meet their stuffed buds.
This engaging activity organized by CAB, has sparked excitement and anticipation in students to come actively participate and create a campus community that is vibrant and inclusive. Students ranging from all classes were lining up to get a plush, including Tameronlyn Patterson, a senior here at McMurry. Majoring in Phycology and minoring in Communication, Patterson answered some questions about her experience doing stuff a plush.
“I like that CAB creates interactive events on campus that are always different,” Patterson said. She talked about having many diverse interactions while waiting in line and how fun it was to socialize during this event. “My favorite part was the building process of the plush, as well as the conversations had while stuffing the plush.” She says that the event is engaging for students because, “it’s free and gives students something different and fun to do on campus.”
Overall, Stuff-A-Plush was a huge success among students and faculty. Be sure to stay updated on other CAB activities in the coming semester!