This semester our joint field days landed on October 13th and 14th. Like semesters past, participants were able to attend Friday, Saturday, and/or both days. A total of 19 McMurry and Cisco students shadowed current Brant Scout researchers and ask questions regarding pathways and opportunities in the field.
Friday evening students observed and participated in the set up of herp arrays and small mammal traps.
Dr. Brant also led a drone demo and answered questions over the fauna in the area. Students engaged in conversation among each other during dinner on the paved area. Cisco students gained insight into majors and life at McMurry.
On Saturday students checked the herp arrays and small mammal traps. Dr. Blackwell also presented his new leaf litter project.
The Brant Scouts and participants caught a few species. Among the species were the Texas mouse (Peromyscus attwateri), white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), and hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus). All but one individual was measured and tagged with an RFID chip. After checking herp arrays and settling in for the solar eclipse, Dr. Blackwell found a western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox). Dr Brant handled the rattlesnake and guided second semester Brant Scout, Sunshyne, as she measured and tagged it. Second semester Brant Scout, Corrine, assisted with the record keeping process.
Students then proceeded to view the solar eclipse with glasses borrowed from the Physics department. Despite the partial viewing of the eclipse, student were fascinated by the experience. Dr. Blackwell was also able to capture photos of the eclipse.
Photos from the event can be viewed on our google site.