In the KINE 3365  CUREs this activity will engage students in analyzing basic data from classmates participating in the Functional Movement Screens (FMS is comprised of seven movement tests that require a balance of stability and mobility). Each of the seven screens will be videoed while noting specific dysfunctions within each screen, i.e. valgus knee movement, forward leans, joint angles, balance errors, contralateral compensatory movements.  The students will perform the screens several times and report their observations.  A breathing exercise or reset will occur and the FMS will be performed again while videoing the performance.  The students will report their observations.  The students will review research articles related to the FMS and breathing while attempting to discover the next method to incorporate to improve FMS movement and scores.

The project is applicable for students following any career path related to movement-based activities. To date little research exists regarding the implications of breathing on improving movement patterns. The students’ research will set a foundational standard that can serve as the starting point for future research in this field.