Makona Men’s Social Club Hosts 5K in support of Breast Cancer Awareness
On early Sunday morning of October 27th, the men of Makona proudly set up their first ever 5K. As members dispersed themselves setting up stations, preparing water bottles, and even drawing pink ribbons along the course, they were all united for one goal: raising awareness in our community.
“This is something that’s personal to me” said Makona member Blair Stewart. Stewart is one of the pioneers of this event, along with, Joaquin Perez. “We wanted to make a difference not just with the school, but in the entire community.”
As the time came for the race to begin, pink shirts and shoes lined up the starting line. Makona’s Greek letters decorated the starting line, awaiting the courageous runners that would run for a cause. Adjacent to the letters, there was a table with a banner titled “I run for.”
At the beginning, the banner was purely white with pink letters and ribbons, but by the start of the race, the banner was almost entirely decorated with names.
“Although there wasn’t many people in attendance, it’s not the biggest issue. We brought the community together, and there will be more people next year,” said Joaquin Perez.
As the participants left the starting line, some walking and some running, the men of Makona cheered them on in their stride to support a great cause. Faculty, alumni, and current students participated in the 5K. However, with years to come, Makona wants the whole city of Abilene to be involved.
Makona Men’s Social Club was able to raise over $200 in their first ever 5K, and they are striving to make this event an annual endeavor. If you would like to support Makona and their mission to spread breast cancer awareness, they are selling t-shirts. Contact Joaquin Perez for more information.