McMurry Students Welcome the New Year


A new year brings many new challenges and new adventures; but, McMurry students are prepared to face them all! One of the many appreciable qualities of the McMurry community is how students always seek to improve themselves.

The new year especially provides an excellent opportunity for growth and the pursuit of change. Of course, these goals all differ from one another, leading to the diverse collection of New Year’s Resolutions that make up those of McMurry’s students. Whether these goals are big or small, it is inspiring to see how people decide they want to make the new year a better one.

Jonah Garcia is a junior majoring in Studio Art. This year, he wanted to focus on school and his education, be more independent, and not let people have too much power over him. “Personally, by not letting people have too much power over me – and it’s not that I don’t care about people’s opinions – but, I get to control my own life and own destiny, and I think once people realize that, there are no limits to what you can achieve.” Jonah is seeking to fulfill this goal by being more communicative, which is a characteristic that all people should strive to improve.

Symone Fiedler, a junior majoring in Theatre with a minor in English, wishes to become the best version of herself while striving to be healthier. “I want to reach and fulfill the potential that I know I have.” Symone has been working toward this goal by implementing exercise into her life, trying to hang out with her best friend/roommate more, and socializing with the newer students of McMurry.

One of McMurry’s graduating seniors, Agustin Rios, who is majoring in English with a minor in Theatre, commented on his thoughts regarding New Year’s Resolutions: “New Year’s Resolutions don’t have to be complicated, or overly challenging. They can be simple, like adding or giving a single thing up. In my case, I gave up sweet tea for a year a couple of years ago, seeing as how I was addicted to it for a time.” When asked if Agustin had any goals for the year 2020, he revealed that he had none.

A source who wished to remain anonymous said that a goal for them was to slowly but surely erode away all their empathy and to be able to not let other people waste their time. “I’m sick of feeling emotions, and I want to become a more emotionally efficient person.” While this particular resolution may seem unusual, it can be understandable due to the heavy toll of emotional conflict.

While New Year’s Resolutions may not always end up being fulfilled exactly how people want them to, every step that people take to improve themselves is a step worth taking. I, for one, am excited to see how McMurry’s students progress in their journeys into the year 2020, and I am looking forward to the undoubtedly great things that they will accomplish.