Today the S3C joined with several other offices on campus to provide a stress relief event for the last week of classes before final exams. Students were invited to come to the quad to smash a pumpkin, play a yard game, make a stress ball, or pet a puppy! And the S3C pups were there to help. Even faculty took advantage!
Students playing cornhole on the quad
It was a gorgeous day, sunny and warm, and student came out to spend a few minutes getting some exercise, vitamin D, and having some fun.
Petting Bubby, the S3C pug
These two students made friends with Bubby, a pug belonging to Victoria Garza-Roark, the Title V Transfer Specialist. Bubby makes frequent appearances at student events where he enjoys some scratches.
Patch and Bubby, participating in the Student Stress Relief event
Patch is shown here, next to Bubby, at the pumpkin smash event. Patch belongs to Professional Tutor Tammy Werner. The event was a lot of fun for everyone, including the dogs!