Alumnus Looks to Build Film Project

Issue 29: May 1, 2024

At McMurry University, a vibrant community of students flourishes. Through its unwavering support and encouragement, the university nurtures the ambitions of its students, resulting in exceptional alumni. Reflecting on the paths taken by our graduates, their successes reflect the enduring legacy of our institution. Exemplifying this standard, McMurry Theatre alumni Matthew Lamar ’23 has taken his McMurry experience to new heights and is in the midst of creating a film series!

Lamar graduated last spring with a BFA in Theatre and is currently writing and staring in his film project: Mortal Hunters. “The idea came to me from a writing prompt: ‘Write a scene about a character in a place that doesn’t belong.’ The story is about young adults competing against each other in a glorified scavenger hunt for a life people can only dream about,” says Lamar.  

As an actor, Lamar says he understands the challenges of gaining recognition and building a resume right out of college. So, as he embarked on this project, Lamar says he was, “determined to create an opportunity for my friends who had graduated from the McMurry Theatre department.” He recruited theatre alumni Hayli Isbell ’22 and Kelton Wehrman ’23 as well as a few current students like Aby Brown and Lauren Scott, to join him in his project. Made up of passionate artists committed to a lifetime of creativity and performance, the cast and crew are eagerly embracing their roles in this auspicious project.

Lamar says that the most challenging thing about this project has been the transition from theatre to film. The production process of film is a completely different beast, but Lamar says that members of his team have helped him combat this unfamiliar territory. Andrew Taylor, the director, has been a driving force supporting this project, according to Lamar. He is skillfully bringing all the technical elements together, and the execution of this project would not be possible without Taylor’s involvement.

“What I want most is for people to enjoy the series,” says Lamar. Let down by current media, Lamar was inspired to create something fun and easy to watch; to create a story, a cast, a world that is worth people’s time. He says, “I am a big dreamer. I believe in manifestation, so I wholeheartedly believe that this project can… elevate us in our careers. I don’t care to be famous or a millionaire; I want to make films with my friends for the rest of my life.”

This project, however, is no easy feat. Lamar is collaborating with the production group Warped Pictures, which has launched an Indiegogo campaign to generate interest and investment in the project. I will let Lamar speak on that himself, “This project is a huge beast, and we want to build a strong community of people who want to see us succeed. We have an Indiegogo campaign for people who want to check it out and see what we are about. We are so grateful for all the support we have received up to this point, and we hope to continue growing.”

Lamar’s story is packed with action, mystery, determination, and characters that resonate with a broad range of audiences. The filming for this series is currently in progress and is scheduled for release next summer. Until then, the Crowdfunding Launch and Pilot Episode of Mortal Hunters are available on YouTube under the Warped Pictures account. Don’t hesitate to check out our amazing alumni and what they’ve already created! Watching, sharing, commenting, and liking are all ways to support these talented artists! McMurry is so proud of its exceptional alumni!