McMurry’s Science and Math Advisory Board (SMAB) is composed of science alumni who work to support the science programs on campus.  They are all about student learning and student success, and through the decades of their existence they have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to provide equipment and opportunities for students to learn and grow through research.

In recent years, they have established two fellowship programs that provide funds to support students working with faculty in research.   The Charles and Lisa Bloomer Fellowships are awarded each spring to support students working during the coming academic year.  This program is named in honor of McMurry alumnus and oral surgeon from Abilene, Dr. Charles Bloomer and his wife Lisa.  The Bloomer family has been gracious and generous in supporting McMurry Science.  In addition, SMAB awards the Clark Beasley Fellowship in memory of beloved Biology faculty member Dr. Clark Beasley.  This program supports Biology students working in research with faculty during summers.

Applications and letters of support from faculty detail the work the students propose to do in time supported by their fellowships.  Those applications are due TODAY!  In weeks to come we will hear more about those who have been chosen to receive these fellowships and the work they will do.  Congratulations in advance to the winners!