Until Next Time, War Hawks
For the past two and a half years, my final articles for the Herald, as editor and reporter, are always articles of gratitude. You may have seen a “Thank You, War Hawks” piece every May for the past two years. However, this being my final year at McMurry as a student, I bid you all farewell.
Working for the War Hawk Herald has been a rewarding experience since day one. I not only had the privilege to engage with faculty, staff, and students about important events and issues, but I also had the opportunity to create beautiful memories alongside a wonderful team. As soon as I became editor, my main goal was to use the Herald as a means of creating a communal voice amongst students and staff.
I had the absolute pleasure of writing about wonderful faculty which I will never forget. I had the humbling experience of investigating sensitive and impactful issues in our community and covering them as best and accurately as possible. In essence, every story that I have written for the Herald has been one for the promotion of community amongst our campus. The goal of journalism is to report accurate information for our society to be informed. However, it is not possible to create beautiful and engaging stories without the wonderful voices I have had the pleasure to hear and write about.
As an avid writer, I not only had the chance to hone on my writing, but I also learned a lot through the people I engaged with. I learned about McMurry University’s steps to make housing better, I engaged with different faiths and learned more about their practices, I understood the hardship of the Vietnam War through Mr. James Quinnett, and I had the pleasure to interview and cover many tremendous athletes during my four years of reporting. McMurry prides itself on being diverse, and I am sure that our news coverage conveys our beautiful and diverse campus.
Nonetheless, this year has been bitter-sweet for me. As I say goodbye to old friends, I reflect on the countless voices I have heard and had the pleasure to write about. McMurry not only gave me the chance to hone on my future career, but it also gave me a safe and secure place to express myself. I know that I have a second family at McMurry, and you never say good bye to family.
Thus, my fellow War Hawks, as I type these last few words, I have nothing but the utmost gratitude to you for being great voices with great ambition. Every person I spoke to at McMurry—regardless if it was a student or professor—emphasized how McMurry is a community and a big family. I know that these final words are not a good bye—they’re a “see you next time.” As awful as that cliché is, it is a cliché for a reason. I know there will be another day I step foot on this campus, eager to hear the new voices, and see just how big the family can get.